Importing a SharePoint Template (STP) file

The following instructions provide steps for importing a SharePoint Template (STP) file that has been exported from another SharePoint site or host.  Please note that only SharePoint 2010 Template files can be imported in this manner.

1. Log in to the SharePoint site.
2. Click the Site Actions menu.
3. Click Site Settings.
4. Click List templates under Galleries.
5. Click the Documents tab.
6. Click Upload Document.
7. Browse to the .stp file and Upload it.
8. Click the Site Actions menu.
9. Click More Options.
10. In the Templates list, locate the template that was uploaded.
11. Enter a name for the item, and click Create.

Once the imported item has been created, we recommend deleting the template previously uploaded from the site.  If the template is not deleted, anyone with page create access can simply recreate the imported content in a new page as many times as they want.  Deleting the template will also keep the template selection page from becoming too cluttered.  The template can be deleted using the following steps:

1. In the SharePoint site, click the Site Actions menu.
2. Click Site Settings.
3. Click List templates under Galleries.
4. Check the box next to the uploaded template.
5. Under the Documents tab, click Delete Document.

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