SharePoint 2010 Foundation Sample Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter for SharePoint 2010 Foundation

Welcome Letter for

Thank you for signing up for hosted Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Foundation service.

Migration Instructions:

To begin using SharePoint, please follow these steps:

1. Edit your DNS Records. Create a CNAME with the below information:    CNAME

(Note: Verify which cluster you are on within the control panel as the above is an example.)

2.  Log into your Administrative Control Panel and create the users that will be logging into the SharePoint Account.

3. Wait for the DNS Records to fully propagate throughout the internet backbones (can take up to 24 hours). 

4. Open your SharePoint Site in Internet Explorer and log in with your admin user name (below) and password, Set up your SharePoint site! 

Account Information:

Account ID: your provided ID (e.g. 100000)
Primary Domain:
SharePoint URL:
SharePoint Package: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Foundation - (e.g. 500 mb, 3gig and ect )
Admin Username: 
Admin Password: 12345 (original password may be/or have been changed by admin)

Please contact our Support Team any time for any questions.  We are here to help! 

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