SharePoint 2010 has the ability to set Alerts to Lists, Calendars and even Tasks. These alerts can be customized to your organizational needs based on specific actions configured when creating the alert. The following steps are on how to create a basic Alert to a Shared Document List.
Creating an Alert to a Shared Document List
1. Log into your SharePoint Site Collection using your Administrator Access.
2. To create an Alert you must first select the List you wish to set the alert to. For this example, Under Libraries click on Shared Documents.
3. Along the top of the ribbon select the section you wish to add the alert to. You can set the alert to Documents within the Library or alerts to the entire Library. For this Example Select Documents. You will now need to select the individual document you wish to add the alert to.
4. In the Share and Track section, Select the small drop down arrow for Alert Me and choose Set Alert to this Document.
5. You can now begin configuring your new alert.
- Alert Title - Enter the desired title for your new alert.
- Send Alerts To - Chose the Users you wish to receive the alerts. It is possible to set a Distribution List or Groups as intended recipients.
Note: Each user or group must have a valid E-mail Address configured in their Share Point profile. If you have successfully created the alert but receive an error, please review the following solution. Error When Setting an E-mail Alert in SharePoint 2010.
- Delivery Method - Select the method on how the E-mail is delivered. Currently we only allow delivery via E-mail.
- Send Alerts for Those Changes - This option determines when the alert is sent to the users within the designated user list.
- When to Send Alerts - These options allow you to set when the desired users receive the alert. You can set single alerts to be delivered as soon as the change requirements are met or a single summary that is sent daily or weekly.
6. Select Ok to set your new Alert.