iPhone and iPad Configuration For Hosted Exchange 2013


The iPhone and iPad uses Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, to push your Mail, Contacts, and Calendar data to your iPhone. 

*Note - Setting up these instructions will over ride any Contacts or Calendars already on the device. Please back those up prior to following these steps as they are not recoverable.


1.  Setup your Exchange e-mail account by selecting the Settings icon.




2. Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars 




3. Select Add Account 




4. Select Microsoft Exchange


5. Use the following settings and then select Next.

Email: user@domain.com

Domain: (leave blank)

User Name: user@domain.com

Password: (your password)

Description: (Anything)

Server: na02.msexchangeoutlook.com



6. Select what you would like to sync to the iPhone and then press Done.


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